Buy the book here from Amazon.com. Click on the book at left to read what critics and readers have to say about the book to convince you that this is one of the most interesting and helpful guides to come along yet. Or click on the Amazon logo below if you've got to have your own copy of "Shacking Up" right away! We've set it up so you can go straight to their shopping cart (if you already have an account).
Publisher's Weekly: "The authors combine a hip, insider writing style with extensive interviews of couples who've lived together, expert advice from psychologists, social scientists, financial planners, and loads of Cosmo-style quizzes and advice boxes, allowing readers to assess their individual situation." MORE
Shape magazine: "Whether you're not quite sure if you're ready to make the sharing-your-love-nest leap or if you've already merged households and need help on financial, emotional or even legal issues, the Whitman sisters guide you through it all with a healthy and humorous edge." MORE
The Cape Cod Times: "Look past the flip title of this book, past the hip cover art, and you'll find a book brimming with good advice for any young or older woman contemplating moving in with her man." MORE
Gotham magazine: "If you're not sure what to expect from sharing a living space, this witty exploration of cohabitation has it all." MORE
Sacramento Bee: "Shacking Up: The Smart Girl's Guide to Living in Sin Without Getting Burned ... offers a humorous, yet clear-cut guide to help couples manage potential emotional, financial and legal challenges." MORE
Denver Post: "Shacking Up: The Smart Girl's Guide to Living in Sin Without Getting Burned ... can help couples cope with challenges that arise long before anyone pops the question." MORE
The Dallas Morning News: "A short and sweet guide that covers all the bases." MORE
Tudor Books: "Before you take the big step, check this one out ... it could really save you some grief and heartache." MORE
The Asbury Park Press: "Before making that commitment to move in with your significant other, pick up a copy of Shacking Up." MORE
Marriage Prep 101: "Filled with anecdotes from cohabiting women and men and advice from relationship experts, lawyers and financial planners, this book is one to have on your bedside table!" MORE
Powells Book Store: "Covering everything from making the initial decision, to preparing for the move to setting up your new home, this is golden advice..." MORE
The Library Journal: "Although ... cohabitation is on the rise (there are 11 million cohabitors in this country today) ... not many self-help manuals on the subject exist." MORE
Book Cover Illustration by Bee
Book Cover Design by Jean Traina